
Our Ultimate Guide to VION Solar Control Window Films

6 min read.


At William Smith, we love providing you with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in your window film installations. Whether you’re dealing with heat management, UV protection, glare reduction, energy efficiency, or a combination of these, knowing the unique properties of VION window films will enable you to meet the diverse needs of your customers more effectively.

To assist you in selecting the ideal VION film for each project, we highly recommend using our VION Window Film Product Selector. This tool helps you quickly identify the best VION film to meet your client’s specific needs.

In the following sections, we'll explore the science behind VION window films, their numerous benefits, and essential sales tips to help your business grow. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools to enhance your service and deliver exceptional results with confidence.


The Benefits of VION Solar Control Window Films

VION window films offer a multitude of functional benefits that can significantly improve the comfort and efficiency of any space. Whether for residential or commercial applications, these films address several critical issues, including energy efficiency, UV protection, and glare reduction.


Heat Rejection and Energy Efficiency

One of the primary advantages of VION window films is their ability to control heat transfer through windows. This contributes to lower energy consumption by reflecting or absorbing solar heat, keeping interior spaces cooler, and reducing the need for air conditioning. This leads to significant energy savings, especially in warmer climates or during peak summer months. Additionally, by maintaining more stable indoor temperatures, these films enhance comfort for occupants and reduce the load on HVAC systems. The energy-saving benefits of VION window films not only reduce utility bills but also promote a more sustainable and eco-friendly building practice.

UV Protection

VION window films provide exceptional protection against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. These films block up to 99% of UV radiation, reducing the risk of skin cancer and premature aging caused by sun exposure. They also help preserve interiors by shielding furnishings, artwork, and furniture from fading and deterioration.


Glare Reduction

Glare can significantly impact visual comfort, especially in workspaces or areas with high sunlight exposure. VION window films effectively diffuse and filter direct sunlight, reducing the harshness of glare. This enhancement in visual comfort makes it easier to view screens and perform tasks without eye strain, leading to better productivity in workplaces and increased comfort in living spaces.

Additional Aesthetic and Practical Benefits

Some finishes also offer aesthetic enhancements and practical benefits, such as increased privacy and safety. With a wide range of finishes available, these films can be used to match a whole host of preferences, enhancing the building’s comfort, protection, and aesthetics.


Exploring the VION Solar Control Range

Choosing the right window film for your specific needs is essential for maximising the benefits of your installations. The VION range offers a variety of films tailored to different applications, from economical solutions to premium options designed for enhanced performance. In this section, we break down each series to help you understand the unique features and advantages of our VION window films, ensuring you can select the perfect film for any project.


VION Silver Eco Series

The Silver Eco Series is an economy polyester metallic mirror window film with a 7-year durability. Available in interior and exterior options, it reflects 70-80% of the sun’s rays, resolving solar heat gain and reducing glare. It blocks almost all UVA and UVB rays, protecting against fading and skin damage, and ensures daytime privacy while giving a modern appearance to the building exterior.

VION Silver Premium Series

The Silver Premium Series is a premium polyester metallic mirror window film with 12-year durability. Available in interior and exterior options, it reflects 50-80% of the sun’s rays, reducing solar heat gain and glare. It provides the same UV protection as the Eco Series and ensures daytime privacy with a modern look.


VION Silver Colour Series

The Silver Colour Series is a premium polyester coloured metallic mirror window film with 10-year durability. For interior applications, it reflects 80% of the sun’s rays, reduces glare, and blocks almost all UVA and UVB rays. It offers daytime privacy and creates a coloured appearance in gold, bronze, green, or blue silver on the building exterior.

VION Neutral Series

The Neutral Series is a premium polyester neutral window film with 10-year durability. For interior applications, it is available in various light levels (dark, medium, light) to manage solar heat gain and glare. The neutral tint allows some natural light transmission, offering a discreet solution with minimal colour change to the building’s appearance.

VION Total UV Series

The Total UV Series is a 50-micron polyester UV protection window film with 10-year durability. For interior applications, it absorbs ultraviolet rays through sunlight, reducing discoloration and fade. Perfect for retail displays or areas exposed to sunlight, it blocks light up to 420nm, offering the highest protection against fade from UV light across the range.


VION Insulation Series

The Insulation Series is a 40-50 micron polyester solar insulation window film with 6-year durability. For interior applications, it reduces solar heat gain by around 82% and provides protection against heat loss in winter by 34%. This film improves insulation performance by 40%, providing additional comfort and energy savings in summer and winter, and reducing heating and air conditioning costs.

VION Combination Series

The Combination Series is a 125-micron polyester safety and solar combination window film with 5-year durability. For interior applications, it reduces solar heat gain by around 75% and provides protection against glass breakage. The film’s strong acrylic adhesive holds glass fragments together in case of breakage, enhancing security, and protecting against graffiti and vandalism while rejecting UV light to reduce fading.

Remember to download our VION Window Film Product Selector to help you when choosing between films.


Essential Sales Tips for VION Window Films

As an installer of VION window films, your role extends beyond providing high-quality installation. It involves effectively communicating the benefits and value of the product to your customers. Here's our top tips to help you maximise your sales potential and build stronger customer relationships.


Understand the Benefits: Familiarise yourself with the specific advantages of the different VION films, such as heat rejection, UV protection, glare reduction, energy efficiency, and privacy enhancements.

Tailor Solutions to Customer Needs: Listen attentively to your customers and understand their specific requirements. Recommend VION film options that address their concerns using our VION Window Film Product Selector.

Showcase Past Installations and Testimonials: Build credibility by showcasing your past installations and sharing testimonials from satisfied customers.

Provide After-Sales Support: Offer ongoing support and assistance, such as maintenance tips and addressing any questions or concerns, to reinforce customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By mastering these sales tips, you can enhance the customer experience and drive sales growth. Remember, your role goes beyond installation; you are a trusted advisor who helps customers make informed decisions and enjoy the full range of benefits that VION Solar Control Window Films offer.

Ready to enhance your projects with the right VION film? Download our VION Building Window Film Brochure for an overview of the full range.

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